The Lotus Flower has often been described as the most exquisite wishes of Mother Nature for mankind. The Lotus Flower meanings hold in themselves the secret of happiness in human lives. The Lotus Flower basically symbolizes the clarity of heart as well as the mind. It represents strength, good luck, long life as well as honour and respect. Some scholars have even talked of the Lotus Flower being a universal representation of the spiritual presence in human lives.
The Lotus Flower basically represents holiness, good wishes, purity and positive energy.
Indian Lotus Flower:
The Lotus Flower donates prosperity, knowledge and learning, fruitfulness and illumination.
Eastern Lotus Flower:
The Lotus Flower is viewed as a representation of spirituality. It is a symbol of aspirations to rise towards the light as the roots of the Lotus Flower has its roots in the mud but it grows in the upward direction.
Egyptian Lotus Flower:
The Lotus Flower symbolizes the sun as well as formation and revival.
Christian Lotus Flower:
The Lotus Flower is a representation of piousness and fertility. The Lily flower in the Christian culture basically replaces the Lotus Flower. The Lily Flower is associated with Mary who is known as the Queen of Heaven.
Buddhism Lotus Flower:
The Lotus Flower has a unique characteristic in that it blooms and sheds its seeds at the same time. In the context of Buddhism, the theory of karma says that, just like the Lotus Flower, our life is made up of cause and effect. Every cause – be it action, word or thought – will imprint an effect that can be seen in this lifetime or in future lives. The Lotus Flower signifies that even the dirtiest water will not cling to the Lotus (pure in spirit). If you sprinkle water on a Lotus leaf, it will just roll off. The Lotus Flower is believed to be able to reproduce from its own matrix. In this regard, it is the symbol of “self-regeneration”. One often sees the Lotus as the throne upon which the Buddha sits. Here Buddha is the symbol of the awakened mind which is self-existent, independent and self-regenerating.
The Lotus Flower in Yoga:
The seated posture is when the legs are crossed and locked with the heels on opposing thighs. The Chakras (wheels ) or energy vortices of the body are depicted as various Lotuses. The Crown Lotus has 1,000 petals. It is identical to the seat of Brahma. Kabir who is a 15th century mystic says: “Do not go to the garden of flowers! O friend! Go not there. In your body is the garden of flowers. Take your seat on the thousand petals of the Lotus and there gaze on the infinite beauty.”
Each Chakra is associated with one of the 5 elements – earth, water, fire, air and space as well as the “mind” of consciousness and supreme bliss of “enlightenment”.
Information taken from various websites