The EBWN Admin Team 2012 – 2013 Receive “Lighten Up” The Wild Apricots Doodle Art

Our annual Success Meeting took place at the Duton Meadows Golf Club on April 17, 2013 and fun was had by all.

The Lighten Up Team

and will they come before you and stand with me up at the front –

Susan, Kim, Sarah, Linda, and Yvonne will you come forward.  As well would Mary and Lori come up as well.  Anne, Andrea and Ann-Marie are unable to be with us this evening  These are the women who have represented you over 2012 and 2013 some leaving and some coming.

What does it mean to lighten up?  It means to have fun while you are doing your volunteer role and interacting with one another and the rest of the membership.  Being women we can get so serious and take everything on our shoulders.  As volunteers we also have many other responsibilities.  To Lighten Up means it brings a sense of balance to our lives and helps us remain light, but at the same time carry out our individual responsibilities with professionalism and as a team to ensure the stability to keep our EBWN working to the best of our abilities.  The Wild Apricots software system came into our lives and it too speaks of a lighter side of life for it is such a fun name.  As members of the EBWN we are all Wild Apricots and this name has been fun to refer to the Admin. Committee as.  These are wild team mates with individuality, spunk, creativity, expertise, knowledge and a pledge of allegiance to service.  To celebrate the Admin. Team I’ve made a doodle art for them.


The Lighten Up Team – Wild Apricots Doodle Art

The Elgin Business Women’s Network had their Success Meeting for 2012-2013 on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at the Dutton Meadows Golf Club.

What does it mean to lighten up?  It means to have fun while you are doing your volunteer role and interacting with one another and the rest of the membership.  Being women we can get so serious and take everything on our shoulders.  As volunteers we also have many other responsibilities.  To Lighten Up means it brings a sense of balance to our lives and helps us remain light, but at the same time carry out our individual responsibilities with professionalism and as a team to ensure the stability to keep our EBWN working to the best of our abilities.  The Wild Apricots software system came into our lives and it too speaks of a lighter side of life for it is such a fun name.  As members of the EBWN we are all Wild Apricots and this name has been fun to refer to the Admin. Committee as.  These are wild team mates with individuality, spunk, creativity, expertise, knowledge and a pledge of allegiance to service.  To celebrate the Admin. Team I’ve made a doodle art for them.   Thanks to all of these Wild Apricots for their volunteerism, for attending the monthly Admin. Committee Meeting, coming to facilitate, register and help at our EBWN dinner meetings, working with one another and for their on-going suggestions on behalf of the membership.  Thanks to true women leaders.


Drawn at The Breast Show, Windemere Manor, April 6, 2013

Hold your head up high and reach for the sky in stature.  Put on a funny face even if you don’t feel like it.  Hold your heart in your hands and visualize the word HOPE.  There are lots of people around you with sunny dispositions who you can hold in your heart and their lightness and clarity will give you peace and understanding.  Attach yourself to healthy people.  Have some fun and possibly go skate boarding, walk in the park and look for feathers, talk to the birds as they will sing back their love in their melody.  Look at colour wheels and perhaps sit in a church that has a stained glass window and feel the colours radiate on your body.  Pray for yourself for when you pray for yourself you also pray for others.

Enjoy Your Time With Friends In The Healing Heart Garden


Drawn at the Breast Show, Windemere Manor, April 6, 2013

Just invite a friend over for a cup of tea and the two of you can talk openly in the garden.  The flowers and plants will listen and nod their heads.  Pick some vegetables like carrots and as they are good for your eyes, perhaps you will see things more clearly through your third eye.

Plant A Tree As Your Gift To The World

If you plant a tree, it is a gift to yourself but as well a gift to everyone else.  It is easy to do, fun and you can watch it grow.  Do you remember when you were little and a tree was planted perhaps on the family farm or at your city home or perhaps at the cottage and when you returned for visits, yes you had grown but that tree is much larger now.  If finally reached its full potential and someday you will too!

Scary Sally – Happy Halloween

Scary Sally Doodle Art
Good Morning To All and Happy Halloween. The story below has nothing to do with the Doodle Art. Please pass my Halloween contribution on to your friends and family. I don’t usually draw Scary Sally but felt inspired to have a few laughs and see what I could come up with. I think that she is having a bad makeup and hair day and someone needs to help her dress but isn’t that what Halloween is all about – trick or treat, scary things and candy?

The Great Pumpkin Angel
Heavenly angels give these children a Halloween treat.
By Joan Sanchez, Norwalk, California

October is usually a happy time for me—my grandchildren, Daniel and Carly, get all excited about Halloween. They spend weeks beforehand discussing their costumes and dreaming of all that candy.
More than anything else, though, they love pumpkins. And not just any pumpkins. They wanted the ones grown by their great-aunt Margaret. What would my grandkids do this first Hallloween after she died?
I liked to joke that my sister Margaret had a soft spot for those kids—the compost pile in her backyard. That’s where the pumpkins grew. And she and the kids tended to them, slipping an upside-down pie pan under each one so it wouldn’t rot sitting on the ground.
Whenever I picked up my grandchildren and took them to visit Margaret, they’d barely say hello before bursting out into the yard to see what was going on in their “pumpkin patch.” They harvested them and used the big ones for carving into jack-o’-lanterns.
I didn’t know why or how pumpkins grew in a compost heap, of all places. Margaret never planted seeds. Maybe she’d thrown an old pumpkin out there one year. She had a green thumb, though. She could have dug a hole, dropped in a worm and ended up growing a rose bush. I envied her gardening skills. If only I had inherited Margaret’s abilities after she passed away.
Next day I went to visit the kids. I can help them with their costumes, I thought. That’ll be something, at least. “Hi!” I said, opening the door.
As soon as I walked in they said the quickest hello before shouting, “Grandma! Grandma! Come and see!”
“See what?”
“Just come!” they said, grabbing my hands and dragging me with them. We went outside. There, right on the side of the house, were half-a-dozen pumpkins. All plump and orange, with vines trailing everywhere. Growing in a spot where nothing had ever been planted.
I said, “You know what Aunt Margaret would do if she were here…” We all raced to the kitchen to get some pie pans. The biggest and best got turned into jack-o’-lanterns. The rest decorated the front porch. And they lasted for months, an autumn-long reminder for my two little pumpkin patch kids.