“I didn’t know that I would become your Mentor but I see from an advantage of maturity. I have Mentors too so it is a universal process of goodwill to help our fellow person. I love to help seeds grow and be the best that they can be. My example to teach others is to do what I do – just be yourself and grow in the path that seems most natural.”
Melissa Mentor-Flower is always there to listen and add flavour with intuitiveness. She sets an example as being one of the beautiful flowers in your garden that you can call upon at any time.
“I think Melissa is so sweet and little and big girls all over the world would adore her……………if they only knew about her. Gail, are you using the Internet to your advantage? Something tells me if rock n roll stars can be discovered on UTube, then so can YOU. Get your creative juices flowing and find a way to get your doodling on UTube. Maybe you need The Doodling Song to hit the UTube air waves, huh?? You do know some song writers and could really write one yourself. Get your hubby to video it and get it on UTube and you will be the Star you deserve to be. Why not???”