If You Doubt Yourself

If you doubt yourself stop right in that moment. Say, stop, stop, stop to yourself. The repetition will help. Remember that our mind has what it wants to say. Your heart has what it wants to say and so does your body. Your heart is where you should head to. Sit still. Place your hands in your lap. Close your eyes. Breathe. Just concentrate on your heart and stay there for a few moments. Remember linear time is different than spiritual time so “take the time”. If you don’t, nobody else will. Just go with the flow and I’m sure you will feel better.

The Lighten Up Team – Wild Apricots Doodle Art

The Elgin Business Women’s Network had their Success Meeting for 2012-2013 on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at the Dutton Meadows Golf Club.

What does it mean to lighten up?  It means to have fun while you are doing your volunteer role and interacting with one another and the rest of the membership.  Being women we can get so serious and take everything on our shoulders.  As volunteers we also have many other responsibilities.  To Lighten Up means it brings a sense of balance to our lives and helps us remain light, but at the same time carry out our individual responsibilities with professionalism and as a team to ensure the stability to keep our EBWN working to the best of our abilities.  The Wild Apricots software system came into our lives and it too speaks of a lighter side of life for it is such a fun name.  As members of the EBWN we are all Wild Apricots and this name has been fun to refer to the Admin. Committee as.  These are wild team mates with individuality, spunk, creativity, expertise, knowledge and a pledge of allegiance to service.  To celebrate the Admin. Team I’ve made a doodle art for them.   Thanks to all of these Wild Apricots for their volunteerism, for attending the monthly Admin. Committee Meeting, coming to facilitate, register and help at our EBWN dinner meetings, working with one another and for their on-going suggestions on behalf of the membership.  Thanks to true women leaders.

I Will Pray For You Doodle Art

The Angel will pray for you. Angels are timeless but this angel has gray hair as she grows older with you and comes to you when you need her to appear wiser. Angels help you but you have to ask them for help. She holds a lovely purple flower giving it to you from God’s purple passion garden. These are mood flowers and turn a different colour with your mood. The purple signifies serenity, just what we would expect from an Angel.

No Matter What Happens I Am Me

No Matter What Happens I Am Me

The doodle art of my doodle woman, by the name of Carol, shows a woman’s vulnerability so she is naked but holding a plant.  This is a very powerful plant and is called Melissa Mentor-Flower.  Melissa is routed in love in a tea cup.  Having a cup of tea with a friend is a nice way to sit and talk.  Melissa can help others see themselves and give them advice and friendship.  Sometimes women feel so alone going through these physical ordeals.  The woman has a cat on her shoulder as animals are so healing.  They will sit with you regardless if you are sick or well.  As we both know often people stay away from those who are sick as they don’t know what to say, unlike our faithful pets.  There is lots of love around us as demonstrated by the hearts – we just have to tap into it.  The circle G signs are my symbol for gratitude.  There is always a gift in what we are going through.  Even though the woman’s hair is growing in she can still look nice by wearing makeup and fancy earrings.  She has not lost who she is or her feminine self.  Melisa Mentor-Flower sprouts all kinds of flowers of encouragement and each one has a message of its own to give.  The woman wears a heart tattoo on her arm because she believes in love herself and gives herself love.  She has great faith and hopes for the very best and she can cope by having our support and love.  I think that we all want this for ourselves regardless of what we are going through.


Melissa Mentor-Flower is a real person.  There are lots of Melissa’s in the world if we just look around us.  They are special.  They are magical and they come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime but they are grounded in our psyche’s spiritual threads.  Some perhaps might call the Mentor-Flower an angel or perhaps even God or just a really good mentor (friend, relative, colleague, spouse, etc.)


Why Doodling Is Good For You

Study: Doodling Helps You Pay Attention

By John Cloud Thursday, Feb. 26, 2009
Kelly Redinger / Design Pics / Corbis

A lot of people hate doodlers, those who idly scribble during meetings (or classes or trials or whatever). Most people also hate that other closely related species: the fidgeter, who spins pens or reorders papers or plays with his phone during meetings. (I stand guilty as charged. On occasion, I have also been known to whisper.) We doodlers, fidgeters and whisperers always get the same jokey, passive-aggressive line from the authority figure at the front of the room: “I’m sorry, are we bothering you?” How droll. But the underlying message is clear: Pay attention.

But I’ve never stopped fidgeting, and I’ve always thought I walked out of meetings remembering all the relevant parts. Now I have proof. In a delightful new study, which will be published in the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology, psychologist Jackie Andrade of the University of Plymouth in southern England showed that doodlers actually remember more than nondoodlers when asked to retain tediously delivered information, like, say, during a boring meeting or a lecture. (See the cartoons of the week.)

In her small but rigorous study, Andrade separated 40 participants into two groups of 20. All 40 had just finished an unrelated psychological experiment, and many were thinking of going home (or to the pub). They were asked, instead, whether they wouldn’t mind spending an additional five minutes helping with research. The participants were led into a quiet room and asked to listen to a 2½-min. tape that they were told would be “rather dull.”

That’s a shocking bit of understatement. The tape — which Guantánamo officials should consider as a method of nonlethal torture — was a rambling (and fake) voice-mail message that purported to invite the listener to a 21st-birthday party. In it, the party’s host talks about someone’s sick cat; she mentions her redecorated kitchen, the weather, someone’s new house in Colchester and a vacation in Edinburgh that involved museums and rain. In all, she mentions eight place names and eight people who are definitely coming to the party. (See pictures of office cubicles around the world.)

Before the tape began, half the study participants were asked to shade in some little squares and circles on a piece of paper while they listened. They were told not to worry about being neat or quick about it. (Andrade did not instruct people explicitly to “doodle,” which might have prompted self-consciousness about what constituted an official doodle.) The other 20 didn’t doodle. All the participants were asked to write the names of those coming to the party while the tape played, which meant the doodlers switched between their doodles and their lists.

Afterward, the papers were removed and the 40 volunteers were asked to recall, orally, the place names and the names of the people coming to the party. The doodlers creamed the nondoodlers: those who doodled during the tape recalled 7.5 pieces of information (out of 16 total) on average, 29% more than the average of 5.8 recalled by the control group. (See pictures of a diverse group of American teens.)

Why does doodling aid memory? Andrade offers several theories, but the most persuasive is that when you doodle, you don’t daydream. Daydreaming may seem absentminded and pointless, but it actually demands a lot of the brain’s processing power. You start daydreaming about a vacation, which leads you to think about potential destinations, how you would pay for the trip, whether you could get the flight upgraded, how you might score a bigger hotel room. These cognitions require what psychologists call “executive functioning” — for example, planning for the future and comparing costs and benefits.

Doodling, in contrast, requires very few executive resources but just enough cognitive effort to keep you from daydreaming, which — if unchecked — will jump-start activity in cortical networks that will keep you from remembering what’s going on. Doodling forces your brain to expend just enough energy to stop it from daydreaming but not so much that you don’t pay attention.

So the next time you’re doodling during a meeting — or twirling a pencil or checking the underside of the table for gum — and you hear that familiar admonition (“Are we bothering you?”), you can tell the boss with confidence that you’ve been paying attention to every word.

60th Birthday Doodle Art

There Is Only One You For All Time

Even though you might share the same star sign as someone else or have your birthday on the same day, you are very different.  You don’t know how to be anybody else but yourself so you might as well enjoy being in your own skin.  Sometimes that takes a long time to do because it doesn’t always come naturally.  You mature into acceptance.  You and your body, mind and soul change along the way.  You carry “you” all through your life and you grow-up to be the  individual you are.  People appreciate your gifts that you give the world and if you weren’t here, those very special gifts wouldn’t be available.

Melissa Mentor-Flower Doodle Art

“I didn’t know that I would become your Mentor but I see from an advantage of maturity.  I have Mentors too so it is a universal process of goodwill to help our fellow person.  I love to help seeds grow and be the best that they can be.  My example to teach others is to do what I do – just be yourself and grow in the path that seems most natural.”

Melissa Mentor-Flower is always there to listen and add flavour with intuitiveness.  She sets an example as being one of the beautiful flowers in your garden that you can call upon at any time.


“I think Melissa is so sweet and little and big girls all over the world would adore her……………if they only knew about her.  Gail, are you using the Internet to your advantage?  Something tells me if rock n roll stars can be discovered on UTube, then so can YOU.  Get your creative juices flowing and find a way to get your doodling on UTube.  Maybe you need The Doodling Song to hit the UTube air waves, huh??  You do know some song writers and could really write one yourself.  Get your hubby to video it and get it on UTube and you will be the Star you deserve to be. Why not???”

Lost Soul

This doodle art is dedicated to all those people who feel lost.  The inspiration I give you is that “this too will pass”.  There is a sun in the sky that is big, bright, beautiful and dependable and a brightly coloured rainbow that brings such pleasure to those who see it.  Yes there is thunder and lightening and we cry.  We cry in desperation to make changes but we are a Lost Soul and don’t know how.  Just go with the flow and don’t resist the flow.  Never fear, there are those who will reach out and help you.  They have sunny dispositions and send lots of positive thoughts your way as well as pure and simple heart-felt love.  They are just like you and they honour your humanity.  They have joy and hope in their hearts.  The drops from crying are collected in a tea cup and when you drink the essence of who you are, you heal yourself for you have self acceptance.  The clouds overhead each have a silver lining of Love, Prayer, Light, Peace and most of all Forgiveness so even on a cloudy day the sun is shining underneath.  Forgive yourself first for it stunts your growth.  You want to grow as tall as you can be so let your friends help you to help yourself.


I’m just your very biggest Doodle Fan Gail.
~ Dusty


Thank you Gail……. I need to read your “Lost Soul” today. It has been long tough haul with no end in sight, but this did make me stop and take a deep breath. Thank you……..
~ Benilde

Valentine’s Flowers 2013

Click Here to read Valentine’s Flowers 2013

Valentine’s Flowers
by Gail McNaughton, February 14, 2013

Today is a special day,
For me to tell you
That you are a bright, radiant flower
In my garden.
I couldn’t live without your golden smile
And your sunny disposition.
You give my life meaning—
For your friendship
Is the most important outside influence
That I cherish.
From the outside in
And the inside out,
You are perfect
And I’m glad I picked you,
To be in my bouquet of love.


[NEWS] Jumbo Slope A Perennial Problem

Jumbo Slope A Perennial Problem

It’s a perennial problem according to Alderman Gord Campbell but that’s far from what one St. Thomas resident would call what’s growing on the hill under St. Thomas’ Jumbo monument. A written request from resident Gail McNaughton to beautify the slope was brought forward to council Monday but defeated by one vote. McNaughton wrote that the hill is a sore spot as you enter the city. She adds that she had brought the issue forward about eight – 10 years ago where there was to be a $5,000 study completed, however she had never learned the results of that study. Alderman Campbell explains there’s more to beautification issues with this particular slope.    

Mayor Heather Jackson agreed with Campbell, however Alderman Mark Cosens requested the the issue be forwarded to the parks and recreation department to see if there is a cost effective solution. In a vote on the issue Mayor Jackson, Alderman Gord Campbell, Tom Johnson and Jeff Kohler voted no to passing the issue onto parks and recreation. Alderman Mark Cosens, Dave Warden and Sam Yusef voted in favor.

From St. Thomas Today Daily News Headlines


by Ian McCallum, Reporter for The St. Thomas Times Journal

A quick perusal of Monday’s council agenda uncovers a letter from St. Thomas poet/artist Gail McNaughton pushing her vision for the hillside below the Jumbo statue.

It’s not the first time she has bent the ear of council with her suggestions for improving the vista as you enter the city from the west end.

In the past, she has been advised by engineering staff the steep slope at that location would require a geotechnical study (at considerable expense to ratepayers) to ensure Jumbo doesn’t go visiting his pachyderm pals in Lynhurst.

Her vision this time around includes a set of tracks and a train going up the hill or perhaps a waterfall.

Both would be a comfort for sure to motorists gingerly passing by below on Talbot as the train climbs above them and water tumbles down.

How ironic this letter appears on the same agenda as a report outlining the added costs associated with stabilizing the Sunset Drive slope.

A valid and necessary undertaking with a price tag in the $1.8 million range.

Surely council has better things to do than re-visiting Jumbo hill.

Zen Flower

Zen Flower represents beauty at its best in a cocoon of love surrounded by the bubbles of the universe and then friends.  Zen teachings calm the mind, body and soul to be one with the universe.  When allowed to transcend, the person finds enlightenment in their life because they are more a part of the whole than being one onto him or herself.  The way to find Zen is through Love and Joy.