Cradle those You Love With Love

Cradle those You Love With Love

It is never too late to put your arms around someone you love or even if this person is a friend or associate hug them, shake their hand or touch them on the back.  We need to know that we belong.  When there is nobody else, the Angels are always there to cuddle and cradle us for we are all children of the universe.  Some people hug trees and guess what, the trees have Angels in them so your opportunity for nurturing is all around you, right before your eyes and within reach.

Share Your Heart With Those You Love

My friends are Heart Cat, Princess Lacy Gracey, Mommy Bear, Flowercat and Lu-Lu Fairy.  They live within my heart and bring me joy, faith and gratitude.  Their love opens my heart so that I may share Valentine’s love with others.  Make my family your family too and walk with us hand in hand to make the world a better place to live, work and prosper – all with love in our hearts.



By Gail McNaughton, February 14, 2012

Share your heart,

With those you love.

Open up to a richer, deeper emotion,

That is freeing, refreshing and revitalizing.

Look around you,

And see who cares for you,

And love them back,

With deep joy, faith and gratitude.

We are all loveable in our own special way,

And finding the key to unlock the heart,

Is the biggest Valentine we can give one another.

Stand up and be counted amongst the human race,

As one…

Who can share your heart,

With those you love,

And now, with those you don’t even know,

For you’ve witnessed the power of love,

And help one another,

Be a special Valentine,

Not just today but everyday.

We Love You Doodle Art

Stuffed animals make the best friends.  “Floppy” the dog sits on my dresser watching me as I sleep.  “Mommy Millie Bear” makes sure that Floppy is quiet as I sleep.  Flowercat ™ has one arm supporting Floppy so she won’t fall off.  We bring our stuffed animals with us from childhood and mine are still part of my life as an adult but I must admit this is the second “Floppy” in my life.  “Floppy” # 1 must have gone to heaven to be cuddled by boys and girls there.  The first one was a Pyjama Bag and you could keep secret things inside but this new one is a cuddly toy.  I still have “Kiltz” who also is a Pyjama Bag and several of my dolls.  I must admit though, I collect Raggedy Anne dolls and other stuffed animals so I’ve grown young by being older!  “Fleecy”, our golden doodle dog, loves a stuffed animal and especially one that has a squeaker in it.  She has her own but continually wants Mr. Bunny who sits in a chair in our living room.  Unfortunately she removes the squeaker and stuffing from her animals but is very happy tossing them around when all is said and done.  I guess they are lighter than dragging a stuffed bear across the floor and she has something that looks like a hairy rat that she consumes with her tongue.  Use the things from your past as part of your decor to remind you of your childhood days.  Remember When’s are good for all of us.  Nothing says that adults can’t hug a cuddly stuffed animal and believe me, they don’t talk back, are positive and loving.  “We Love You” they say and we can say the words back.  Take a stuffed toy to someone in a long term care or in a hospital and when the chips are up or down, they will be lovingly valued.

I Will Help You

“I Will Help You”

I belong to a group of 10 dynamic, supportive, caring women and we all originated at the same space in time over 25 years ago through working in the computer industry. This special doodle art called “I’ll Help You”, is to commemorate our Friendship. Mommy Millie Bear is there to help put up the Christmas Tree and the lights so there is always help around each and every corner and you never have to be alone or do things by yourself. She represents all Mothers who are here and those who have passed over. Fleecy the Golden Doodle Dog, Calvin Fox, Sally Spider, Happy Cat on the Steps, Flowercat in the hanging Picture and the Angel, Angelica, on top of the tree all look on. Calvin Fox represents our Fathers, small in size in the doodle art, but mighty in stature and key figures in our lives. The other animals are our friends, neighbours, family, particularly our siblings and the rest of the world – those acquaintances including angels and fairies. We sip tea, we drink wine and we dine together in the spirit of community and sisterhood. We are there to help one another. Sometimes we are better at it than other times and we learn to help by listening, showing empathy, understanding and compassion. We find joy in the evolution of our lives and entangle more each time we meet, write or e-mail, even though some of us have moved away. Distance is only a footstep away and the Welcome Mat is front and centre in each of our homes. We keep a candle burning and we watch the days of our lives pass by on the calendar, through the passing of the seasons and watching our clocks – days, weeks and finally years add up – all those seconds add up to minutes, to hours and 24 hours flies by and then 365 days are upon us. We are eternal. We give one anther “the gift of time” when we try and get together on a monthly basis. Christmas is special as we reunite once again. We are like a “teacup” and each of us contains the “spirit within” to be fruitful to humanity and especially our fellow girlfriends. The name of each FEX is on the limbs of the coniferous tree for we are jewelled, sparkly ornaments who blossom and glitter and our branches are sturdy and steadfast, gentle enough to hold a baby or a pet and strong enough to support the trials and tribulations of life. The woman putting up the tree represents “Any Woman” (woman of the world) who needs help. We are a body of spirit, soul and heart and the feminine presence in the world as friend, mother, colleague, sister, grandmother, etc. is ever present. It is joyous to be a woman in 2011 and beyond. We wish power, grace, wisdom, compassion, love and joy for each woman in the world.

Business Sample Show 2011

Bob and Gail McNaughton participated in the Business Sample Show at St. Anne’s Centre on October 19, 2011 Sponsored by the St. Thomas & District Chamber of Commerce.  They had expected a larger crowd of people but given a dreary night with wind and rain, the attendance was good and who is supposed to be there will always show up.  Regardless of who attended, including the Chamber members and the public, people mingled and visited the vendor booths.  At the Dog & Pony booth, the gift that was given out was one of three greeting cards prepared by Gail  from her doodle art collection.  Each card had a caption on the bottom – “Halloween”, “The Dream Lady Of Joy & Love” or “Pink Is The Colour Of Hope”.  There were those who loved certain cards so this is the one that they selected.  Thanks to all those who attended our booth.  Enjoy your greeting card and remember Dog & Pony Productions Inc., The Photographic Heart and our new division, Social Media COO.  Send your greeting card to someone who you want to contact and send it with love and endearment.  We all need a hug!

Halloween Chili-Chikka
Halloween Chili-Chikka
The Dream Lady Of Joy & Love
The Dream Lady Of Joy & Love
Pink Is The Colour Of Hope
Pink Is The Colour Of Hope