Easter Bunny has spent a lot of time cooking Easter Eggs so they are ready to deliver to children and adults but her work is not done as it is Easter Friday. She made them nice and bright and colourful so that they could be found easily. She loves to sit in her Easter Basket popping up and surprising people. She sends out lots of love to you with hearts spreading themselves in the cosmos. Blue Birdie keeps her company and takes the eggs and hides them so they are a good team. Easter Sunday is almost here so goodbye for now as she must keep cooking. Relax and have a cup of tea in the midst of the hustle and bustle of making Easter Dinner. Don’t forget to wear bright Easter colours and give someone who needs a hug and some flowers some of your time, energy and love. Wrap your arms around them and tell them you love them today and every day.
Category: Celebrations
60th Birthday Doodle Art
There Is Only One You For All Time
Even though you might share the same star sign as someone else or have your birthday on the same day, you are very different. You don’t know how to be anybody else but yourself so you might as well enjoy being in your own skin. Sometimes that takes a long time to do because it doesn’t always come naturally. You mature into acceptance. You and your body, mind and soul change along the way. You carry “you” all through your life and you grow-up to be the individual you are. People appreciate your gifts that you give the world and if you weren’t here, those very special gifts wouldn’t be available.
Snowflake ~ Christmas 2012
Happy Thanksgiving – Come To The Harvest
Come To The Harvest
By Gail McNaughton, September 4, 2012
Come to the harvest,
And stay with us forever.
Sit at our table,
And find comfort in friendship.
Be one in spirit,
As the bounty of what we grow,
Is shared by all.
The leaves gently falling,
Are a reminder that,
A season of Thanksgiving is upon us,
And that winter is just around the corner.
It is time for roast turkey, pumpkin pie,
Turnips, squash, potatoes and apples,
All sewn up it makes a wonderful harvest meal.
Our lives are bountiful,
And the markets filled with produce,
Remind us that we are rich,
With the rewards of our labour,
And our attention to the crops,
That we have nurtured,
With love in our hearts for the land,
And the people we serve.
It is our intention to feed our families, and communities,
And this is the mantra of the farmer,
And why we invest our time.
So come to the harvest,
And stay with us forever.
Sit at our table,
And find comfort in friendship.
Be one in spirit,
As the bounty of what we grow,
Is shared by all.

Tea For Two Happy 20th Anniversary Doodle Art
Easter Love
Easter Love
April 2, 2012, By Gail McNaughton
It is a time of sharing
A time of caring
A time of eating wonderful treats
Instead of celery and red beets.
It is a magical time for children
Hunting for eggs
A time to spend in church
Tasting communion and not lake perch.
It is a time of festive parades
A time of family gatherings
Of getting together over scrumptious food
With lots of chocolate to keep a good mood.
It is a time to pour love like water
A time to invite friends over
A time to experience harmony and peace
To look at photos with nephews and many a niece.
It is a time of wonderful weather
A time for bright sky so blue
The bright sunshine will warm you all over
Enjoy a roll in the sweet smelling clover.
It is a time to notice
Nature and bunnies all around you
And being pulled out of hats
So beware of any inquisitive cats.
They are so adventurous and curious
May play tricks, scurry and run
Or hide in a hat
And magically pop out as a furry rat.
Of dear, this would scare everyone away
So if this takes place
Best grab hens and chickens
Put on your running shoes and race.
Your Easter can be spent
Anywhere you please
For me, just pass the chiffon cake
Dripped in butter and icing sugar that you make.
We’ll have a glorious time
Sharing love with one another
So sit at God’s table with us as a guest
Enjoy your Easter dinner
And let us do the rest.
Enjoy Love, Freedom, Joy and Truth which are our highest passions for all of mankind, the animal world as well as the plant kingdom.
I Will Help You
“I Will Help You”
I belong to a group of 10 dynamic, supportive, caring women and we all originated at the same space in time over 25 years ago through working in the computer industry. This special doodle art called “I’ll Help You”, is to commemorate our Friendship. Mommy Millie Bear is there to help put up the Christmas Tree and the lights so there is always help around each and every corner and you never have to be alone or do things by yourself. She represents all Mothers who are here and those who have passed over. Fleecy the Golden Doodle Dog, Calvin Fox, Sally Spider, Happy Cat on the Steps, Flowercat in the hanging Picture and the Angel, Angelica, on top of the tree all look on. Calvin Fox represents our Fathers, small in size in the doodle art, but mighty in stature and key figures in our lives. The other animals are our friends, neighbours, family, particularly our siblings and the rest of the world – those acquaintances including angels and fairies. We sip tea, we drink wine and we dine together in the spirit of community and sisterhood. We are there to help one another. Sometimes we are better at it than other times and we learn to help by listening, showing empathy, understanding and compassion. We find joy in the evolution of our lives and entangle more each time we meet, write or e-mail, even though some of us have moved away. Distance is only a footstep away and the Welcome Mat is front and centre in each of our homes. We keep a candle burning and we watch the days of our lives pass by on the calendar, through the passing of the seasons and watching our clocks – days, weeks and finally years add up – all those seconds add up to minutes, to hours and 24 hours flies by and then 365 days are upon us. We are eternal. We give one anther “the gift of time” when we try and get together on a monthly basis. Christmas is special as we reunite once again. We are like a “teacup” and each of us contains the “spirit within” to be fruitful to humanity and especially our fellow girlfriends. The name of each FEX is on the limbs of the coniferous tree for we are jewelled, sparkly ornaments who blossom and glitter and our branches are sturdy and steadfast, gentle enough to hold a baby or a pet and strong enough to support the trials and tribulations of life. The woman putting up the tree represents “Any Woman” (woman of the world) who needs help. We are a body of spirit, soul and heart and the feminine presence in the world as friend, mother, colleague, sister, grandmother, etc. is ever present. It is joyous to be a woman in 2011 and beyond. We wish power, grace, wisdom, compassion, love and joy for each woman in the world.
A Special Day For Fleecy—Her First Birthday
Fleecy’s First Birthday was on Saturday, October 1, 2011. I still remember bringing her home wrapped up in a blanket and all the midnight visits with her in the side yard, all the pulling of tablecloths, all the boisterous activities, the puppy classes, time out in the kennel, eating things she shouldn’t and lovely walks and talks. Her positive, playful nature and a lovely disposition make her friends with everyone. Her buddies, Poppy and Panda Bear sit with her routinely in the kitchen and she continues to play with Poppy regularly. The cats can escape through the baby gates across our two kitchen doors but have to really struggle now to get through them.
It was a cool, overcast day in the morning but turned warmer with intermittent sunshine in the afternoon. We sang Happy Birthday to her in the morning and gave her two new plastic squeaky toys—a colourful fully loaded hot dog and a pink Cinderella high-heeled shoe. In the afternoon we walked around Lake Margaret enjoying the sunshine and allowing her to be off the leash where we could. We started from our usual parking spot in Pinafore Park and walked to the back of the park and followed the Lake Margaret trail around the lake for the 1.15 km loop. There were lots of geese on the Lake. We kept her on the leash so she wouldn’t chase them but Bob and Fleecy walking on the path unnerved them and off they flew to congregate on the lake. We walked back to the car with our faces in sunshine and took Fleecy to Shaw’s Ice Cream for an ice cream treat and a drink of water. She lapped down her Vanilla ice cream and seemed to enjoy it right to the last lick. I had Gold Medal Ribbon in a sugar cone and Bob had a two-tier Caramel Apple Pie and Raspberry Chocolate in a waffle cone. We took many pictures of our day with Fleecy to remember her first birthday!