Category: People
Frozen Tears Doodle Art
Honour Those Who Love You With Your Love Doodle Art
Let There Be Light
Your dreams and aspirations are flaming torch light leading the way to your dancing star.
Today Is My Birthday
What we do in our lives is not as important as why we do it.
Princess Of Love, Joy, Hope
True joy is life comes from living in the moment while learning to bloom where you are planted.
Jennings Doodle Art
Jennings Furniture & Design has been serving SW Ontario since 1885, including their pampered pets. From the brightly coloured Cobi Ladner tufted velveteen ottomans (perfect for curling up on at the foot of the bed), and chairs comfortable enough to enjoy a nap in the sunshine, to the more streamlined leather and condo sofas, three newly renovated floors provide furniture for any occasion or purpose. From rugs, lamps, beds, tables, recliners, kitchen cabinetry, mattresses, and more, four in-house interior designers can help create that place called ‘home’!
“Oh, that is adorable!”
Renée Carpenter, Jennings Furniture & Design
God Made You Perfect Just The Way You Are
God Made You Perfect Just The Way You Are
Today is a day to honour who you are, just as you are. God made you perfect. How do I know that? We are mostly spirit and only a percentage of us is human. We are not manufactured but are unique in the cosmos. We came to earth at a very difficult time as we help others understand their spirituality and connection to their spirit in a world of chaos. We come from spirit and we go back to our spirit and in between, which is a very short time, we bring our wisdom, personalities, passions and our purposes with us. We develop everything we are made of, and supposed to accomplish, over the years and our unique talents kick in along the way. Some of us have a short existence as humans and others, much longer but we are all part of the collective. We are always at the right time and the right place but often we grow impatient and restless and that is the human nature of being human whispering in our ears from our highly active and imaginative brain. During the celebration of International Women’s Day help other women feel unique, valued and celebrate their contribution to the world by being joyful within yourself and thankful that God made your perfect just the way you are.
Heaven’s Lavender Harvest
Heaven’s Lavender Harvest
The angels watch over the growth of the lavender and flit about over the fields smelling the fragrant plants and picking bouquets to take home to their angel friends. They like to exchange gifts with other angels who watch over crop fields, dairy farms, strawberry patches, lilac trees, poppy fields and all things related to nature. They bring Joy, Love and Peace to the world through all their giving and receiving and watchful eyes. They give us hints how to till the land, harvest the crop and bring it to market.
This doodle art is dedicated to Lavender Sense in Wallacetown.
Home Sweet Home Spaghetti Dinner In Kitchen
Home Sweet Home
In the hearth of the kitchen, Spaghetti is in the big red pot, that was purchased from Goodwill beckons closer examination. Black and brown noodles have been cooked with some tomatoes. Bread awaits the eaters. Wine is served to the cook. The young man sitting on the swing slurps up noodles delighting in how long they are and how tasty. If he swings too far, as the worrying woman imagines, he might overturn the pot and then all the scatter rugs will be filled with noodles and sauce. Best not to give him any vino!
“I Love the expression on her face! LOL”
Nik Designs
Cucumbers For Sale
For some people it is play time at the Market but for others it is a sales day. The birds even get in on the fun. As long as the market vendor has enough, she is willing to share and let the juggling continue. She is wearing her favourite shirt that says “We love vegetables! Try making cucumber salsa and then invite us all over.
Fresh Fest Doodle Art
Fresh Fest is a big celebration in St. Thomas & Elgin County – it is a celebration of Food and Drink. It is a time to mix and mingle and enjoy the fruits of labour of many people in agriculture. The local produce and local businesses come together and entertain us with Chef’s cooking up a storm. Sampling food is the name of the game. “Elgonia” shows you her basket of produce that she is proud to present. You will be proud to eat, drink and enjoy life in the heart of SW Ontario agriculture and especially at Fresh Fest in August. By day she grows vegetables on her farm and the sunshine and healthy living have produced cute little freckles on her face. She brings the harvest to St. Thomas which is always bountiful in any season. She loves the fact that her fruits and vegetables go into the preparation of many succulent and gourmet appetizers, entrees and desserts. Buy local and buy fresh she promotes everywhere she goes so let’s help her along and do the same.
“Thanks Gail. Can’t wait for those fresh vegetables to be in season once again.”