God Made You Perfect Just The Way You Are

God Made You Perfect Just The Way You Are

Today is a day to honour who you are, just as you are.  God made you perfect.  How do I know that?  We are mostly spirit and only a percentage of us is human.  We are not manufactured but are unique in the cosmos.  We came to earth at a very difficult time as we help others understand their spirituality and connection to their spirit in a world of chaos.  We come from spirit and we go back to our spirit and in between, which is a very short time, we bring our wisdom, personalities, passions and our purposes with us.  We develop everything we are made of, and supposed to accomplish, over the years and our unique talents kick in along the way.  Some of us have a short existence as humans and others, much longer but we are all part of the collective.  We are always at the right time and the right place but often we grow impatient and restless and that is the human nature of being human whispering in our ears from our highly active and imaginative brain.  During the celebration of International Women’s Day help other women feel unique, valued and celebrate their contribution to the world by being joyful within yourself and thankful that God made your perfect just the way you are.

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