Our life is a journey of healing. We are part of a very large learning experience. One thing for certain, God’s garden has always been here for us. It looks after itself if you look at a forest whether in a northern or southern climate. We can create our own gardens both physically and mentally. The Healing Heart Garden is a special garden that you create yourself. You draw and colour it for your own use. It will make you smile as you see the summer of your life when you are actually feeling that you are in the winter of your life. You can use it to springboard visualizations from. I look at my garden and then I do work in my garden so I step inside the images and sit and read a book, cultivate the soil, pick flowers, ponder about life, let the sun beat on my face making me feel good, growing ideas and finding inner peace. Sometimes the garden will have weeds in it but perhaps that is where you are in your thinking but weeds can be beautiful too – dandelions are green and yellow and look beautiful on a lawn. I have thistles in my garden and love watching them grow. Hearts are so healing and you might want to plant a few heart flowers in your garden and add things like birds, butterflies, dragonflies, park benches, arbors or whatever. Enjoy making your own garden. Sally Spider says Hi!