Valentine Face Doodle Art

We all feel like the Queen Of Hearts when we are in love.  Cupid has touched our very being with magic.  We feel light as a feather.  We feel Love, Joy and Serenity but we also feel like eating Chocolate and drinking Champagne amongst a garden filled with Flowers and little Critters like Birds and Dogs.  Love can be anywhere and the hearts just drift cross your being and the arrow of Cupid hits you and it takes hold.  Heart are like bubbles and float in and out of your body sinking deeper into your fibre of being and explode with the energy of passion for our own well being.  Next thing we know we’re wearing them as an outward expression of our inward feeling.  When you are single just enjoy that stage of your life.  Share your love with your friends, family and pets.  It will make you a better person to accept love in the next stage.  Loving yourself first is key to happiness in a relationship with someone else.   If you were married or in a relationship and are now single, just revisit the love that you shared and try to eliminate the anger, fear, resentment and negativity.  Know that if you’ve loved and been loved, it is a great gift and that gift can manifest itself again.  When people bring you a gift of love from their heart to yours, hold it dearly and with respect for it is the greatest gift of the universe.  Valentine’s Day is any day of the year so don’t get caught up on just one day to celebrate Love, Joy and Chocolate.

Hi Gail,
Thanks. I appreciate the romantic at heart!

Relish Elgin Editor

Find The Star Within

Find The Star Within

Dedicated to all Self Seeking Searchers

The mature person, with gray hair, is in quiet reflection in front of the Christmas tree.  The Christmas tree is the ladder of her successes to date as denoted by the stars hung on the tree.  She is soul searching through meditation for more strengths and successes and has two more to find, for now.  She knows they are there and holds the stars in anticipation of finding them.

We need to soul search from time to time and Christmas and the New Year is a good time to do this.  We ask ourselves many questions about where we’ve been and what we want to develop further.  Do we want to be more compassionate?  Do we want to be more joyful?  Do we want to be more forgiving?  Each of us knows what we need, to grow and learn.  Those stars already hung on the tree are our map of what we’ve already accomplished and who we are to date.  We will always find another branch to hang a new star on so our task is never quite done.

If we base our lives on Love and Joy we will be able to flower to help others.  We flower from the inside out as seen by the woman wearing a flower in her clothing.  We learn by being in relationships and there are many roles we play with one another.  Joy and Love keeps us stable and able to ground ourselves to expand more.

Surrounding us is a network of possibility, potential and the support of others.  There are those in our circle, as seen by the small, pink, hearts at the top left and bottom right of the page.  There is a bigger universe as seen in the floating, large, pink hearts.  Each large heart has millions and millions of caring, nurturing, pulsating, cells that align themselves to make things happen that we wish for.  The bounty of the universe is endless and it unfolds to us.  It is there.  We sometimes cannot see its magnificence, and all it requires is that we trust.  It is energy spiralling in the cosmos – it a “collective” that we ourselves fuel.

“To Find The Star Within” just relax in life and spend gentle time with yourself thinking.  Make a visual list on a daily basis of your accomplishments.  See them grow into stars.  Pay homage to the world and thank everything in your circle of being for bringing you this far.  Gratitude is one of the key resources to find the star within for when you are grateful for what you have, you can move forward to find new things to be grateful for, and often they are our very own attributes, skills and successes.  Seeing these in one another will help us see them in ourselves.

Hang this doodle art close by so you can remember to find time for spiritual growth through meditation, relaxation and sleep.  Your tree will soon be filled with stars and your light will continue to grow all over your tree.  You will illuminate brighter and brighter.  The world will know who you are by taking your rightful place in the universe and seeing your world-wide glow.

Gail McNaughton
December 21, 2011

SuperHero Heart Doodle Art

Others are there to support the Superhero.  We are angels at heart for we have wings to share with the world.  Fleecy our golden doodle dog sits in front of me (and is the faithful friend to the end and knows the SuperHero you are).  Flowercat is on the left side (Flowercat’s mission is to heal the world and this doodle came to me in a dream and is my original doodle that helps everyone).  Sally & Lois Spiders hang around in their web waiting to help (they have many helping hands).  Chilli-Chika, the bird on the right listens and makes the call for action.  We all need friends, colleagues and other SuperHeroes to make us who we are and see our potential.  There are many things that I can write about this doodle art.  One thing I discovered over 5 years ago when I started doing these doodles is that when you put a heart around a human figure like in the doodle art, it gives that person wings and makes them angelic.  Wouldn’t the world be a better place if each of us were more angelic.  Wear your wings today and help someone else.

Business Sample Show 2011

Bob and Gail McNaughton participated in the Business Sample Show at St. Anne’s Centre on October 19, 2011 Sponsored by the St. Thomas & District Chamber of Commerce.  They had expected a larger crowd of people but given a dreary night with wind and rain, the attendance was good and who is supposed to be there will always show up.  Regardless of who attended, including the Chamber members and the public, people mingled and visited the vendor booths.  At the Dog & Pony booth, the gift that was given out was one of three greeting cards prepared by Gail  from her doodle art collection.  Each card had a caption on the bottom – “Halloween”, “The Dream Lady Of Joy & Love” or “Pink Is The Colour Of Hope”.  There were those who loved certain cards so this is the one that they selected.  Thanks to all those who attended our booth.  Enjoy your greeting card and remember Dog & Pony Productions Inc., The Photographic Heart and our new division, Social Media COO.  Send your greeting card to someone who you want to contact and send it with love and endearment.  We all need a hug!

Halloween Chili-Chikka
Halloween Chili-Chikka
The Dream Lady Of Joy & Love
The Dream Lady Of Joy & Love
Pink Is The Colour Of Hope
Pink Is The Colour Of Hope