Others are there to support the Superhero. We are angels at heart for we have wings to share with the world. Fleecy our golden doodle dog sits in front of me (and is the faithful friend to the end and knows the SuperHero you are). Flowercat is on the left side (Flowercat’s mission is to heal the world and this doodle came to me in a dream and is my original doodle that helps everyone). Sally & Lois Spiders hang around in their web waiting to help (they have many helping hands). Chilli-Chika, the bird on the right listens and makes the call for action. We all need friends, colleagues and other SuperHeroes to make us who we are and see our potential. There are many things that I can write about this doodle art. One thing I discovered over 5 years ago when I started doing these doodles is that when you put a heart around a human figure like in the doodle art, it gives that person wings and makes them angelic. Wouldn’t the world be a better place if each of us were more angelic. Wear your wings today and help someone else.